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40 Days until the ESB RunUp!!

December 28, 2017

Today was a day for enjoying friendships, old and new. Reconnecting with friends that are far away, wishing them well during the holiday season and also celebrating with new friends that have been made at the gym and on the soccer field. Those friendships are so important in life and should be cherished because they give us people to connect with that support us through the ups and downs of life. Working out at the gym, I have made a new group of friends, my new squad I like to call them, that are so supportive and encouraging, that they are helping me reach my goal of climbing up the 1576 steps of the Empire State Building. So a BIG thank you goes out to them for pushing me to reach my goals (and they probably don't even know how encouraging they are!!!) So encourage your old friends AS WELL as your new friends today. Have great day and climbUp!!!

Please support me as I train to climb to the top!!! I am climbing for the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) and your support will not only help me but all athletes that have a passion for sports and life!!!




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